After the not so bad attempt to make Crab Cakes Benedict few months ago (click here), I decided to try again. This time, it was much better! First, I used crab meat and not claw meat. That makes a big difference. Then I decided not to put too much of anything else to really feel the crab. Below is the result. Not bad, don't you think?
As you can see on the photo, I served it with roasted asparagus and roasted brussels sprouts. I found it was a good alternative to the classic roasted potatoes and gave me the impression I was cooking a healthy meal...
So, this time, this is what I did:
For 4 crab cakes:
- 1 lb crab meat
- 1 egg
- 1 tbsp of butter
- salt and pepper
Hollandaise sauce:
- 4 yolks
- 5 tbsp melted butter
- salt and pepper
Put the 4 yolks in a bowl with salt and pepper and beat them until obtaining a thicker consistency. Slowly add the melted butter. Once the butter is incorporated, put in a sauce pan at low heat and continue stirring so the yolks do not start cooking too fast and scramble. Once the sauce is warm enough, serve immediately.
Note that you can put any twist to the sauce: you can add cilantro or truffle oil for instance.
Bon appétit!