Recipe: Meatballs with Orzo

Recipe: Meatballs with Orzo

Recipe: Meatballs with Orzo

This is a simple recipe for a dish that is very comforting: meatballs with orzo (that we call in French langues d'oiseaux or birds' tongues because of their shape). 

Time: 2h

Servings: 4


  • One pound ground turkey
  • One pound beef (80 /20)
  • 1 cup of orzo
  • 5 carrots
  • 1 1/2 cup peas
  • olive oil
  • 1 bottle of guiness
  • salt & pepper

Step 1: preparation of the vegetables

Well, the main preparation will be for the carrots that should be cut in small cubes. As you can see, I used frozen peas that I found very practical compared to canned ones or even fresh ones.

Recipe: Meatballs with Orzo - carrots

Recipe: Meatballs with Orzo - carrots

Recipe: Meatballs with Orzo - peas

Recipe: Meatballs with Orzo - peas

Step 2: preparation of the meatballs

Similar to my burgers, I prepare meatballs simply with salt, pepper and...a bit of guiness!

Recipe: Meatballs with Orzo - using Guiness for making meatballs

Recipe: Meatballs with Orzo - using Guiness for making meatballs

Recipe: Meatballs with Orzo - meatballs

Recipe: Meatballs with Orzo - meatballs

I will add the beer until fully incorporated in the meat (approximately half the bottle goes and you know what to do with the rest...). In a pan, on medium heat, I will sear the meatballs (cook them quickly on each side, turning them from time to time so each side is seared.

Recipe: Meatballs with Orzo - searing the meatballs

Recipe: Meatballs with Orzo - searing the meatballs

Recipe: Meatballs with Orzo - searing the meatballs

Recipe: Meatballs with Orzo - searing the meatballs

Step 3: cooking

Put the meatballs in a dutch oven. Add salt, pepper, the orzo, the carrots and the peas. Add water until all the ingredients are covered and cook at medium heat. Cook until the water evaporates. 

Recipe: Meatballs with Orzo - cooking

Recipe: Meatballs with Orzo - cooking

Recipe: Meatballs with Orzo - cooking

Recipe: Meatballs with Orzo - cooking

Et Voila:

Recipe: Meatballs with Orzo

Recipe: Meatballs with Orzo

Bon appétit!

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